Friendly' identity theft on the rise
We don't blame you if you've never heard of the term 'friendly identity theft'. However, it's a term that you should be familiar with. It refers to using a friend or family member's identity for fraudulent purposes.
Recent studies have confirmed a frightening trend: friendly identity theft is on the rise. That's right, more and more people are using their friends and family members' identities in order to commit crime, obtain fraudulent medical procedures, and take advantage of a higher credit score.
In 2010, one in seven cases of identity theft was committed by somebody known to the victim. This could be a roommate, family member, friend, or any sort of acquaintance.
What's the reasoning behind this spike in friendly identity theft? Well, since identity theft has been rising continuously over the last few decades, it's expected that friendly identity theft would rise as well. However, why would the portion of identity theft committed by family members increase? That's something we can't answer.
The scariest part about friendly identity theft is how easy it is to commit. Many security questions revolve around answers that would be well-known to the victim but difficult to find through research (like a dog's name or mother's maiden name). However, anybody who has met you may be able to easily answer these questions. Or, if you're Facebook friends, they could find that information on your Facebook page.
Fortunately, no matter what kind of identity theft you're worried about, whether it's being committed by an acquaintance or a professional criminal, our service is here to help. We provide comprehensive identity protection through our popular identity monitoring service.
By scanning thousands of databases for any changes involving your information, we offer superior protection and phenomenal results. Smart people already realize the dangers of identity theft and have taken precautions against it, while other people still blindly believe that identity theft won't happen to them.
Be one of the smart ones: order an identity protection service today.
Detecting Identity Theft
ID Watchdog will alert you as soon as any new or changed records containing your personal information are detected during our routine scans.
When you receive an alert, you will be directed into your
- » Verify the authenticity of any detected records, OR;
- » Report the record as unrecognized
Any record that is unfamiliar to you is a red-flag warning that your identity may have been compromised.
Once you report a record as unrecognized or unfamiliar,
Next Step: Resolution
Identity Theft Resolution
In the event that you are presented with a record that is unfamiliar or unrecognized, (for example, an a address for a home you've never lived in or a new credit account you never opened) there is a strong possibility that your identity has been compromised.
Even records which appear to be simple data processing errors need to be addressed in order to prevent an incorrect and potentially damaging evaluation of your credit or personal profile by lenders, creditors, auditors and employers.
ID Watchdog is the only Identity Intelligence Service that employs a team of certified Identity Resolution Experts who will work with you and on your behalf to get any fraudulent information removed from your records.
100% Guaranteed.